miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

How do you said in PERU

Hello : hola

so... if you want greet, you can do:

  • you can say HELLO and meanwhile you give your hand
  • besides you can hug to other person

  • or  a kiss on the cheek

Man greeting Man - Men shake hands when greeting one another and maintain direct eye contact.  At a first meeting a firm handshake will suffice and is sometimes combined with slight touches on the arms and/or elbows.  Good friends and family will engage in a hearty hug  which is sometimes combined with a few firm slaps on the back.
Woman greeting Woman- At a first meeting, a light handshake will suffice, sometimes usually accompanied by a slight nod and warm smile.  Friends generally kiss each other once on the cheek.
Man greeting Woman-   At a first meeting a regular handshake will do.  Friends, family and long-time acquaintances will share a light kiss on each cheek which consists of touching cheeks and making a slight kissing noise.  This is usually accompanied with a touch on the arm and shoulder and in some cases a light hug.  It is best to avoid overly direct eye contact during initial meetings as it may be misinterpreted.

Bye: adiós

  • you can say "bye" and making and hand gesture.

  • People beckon one another by extending an arm (palm down) and making a scratching motion with their fingers.
  • It is common for men to walk arm in arm with other men, same goes for  women with other women.  This is purely a sign of friendship.
  • Slapping the bottom of one elbow with the open palm of the other hand means someone is cheap.
  • The thumbs up sign is used to show approval or congratulations.
  • Bringing your fingers together to your lips and miming a kiss is a way to say a girl is very pretty.
  • Making a hang-ten sign with your thumb and pinky extended means let’s go grab a beer 
  • Lifting the arm up, pointing the index finger down and waving it in a circle means you will be right back.

  • People often point with their lips if you ask which direction something can be found.

  • When someone gets "burned" with words, or yelled at in some way, they put their hand out to the side, the palm and fingers flat, and move the hand up and down.

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